Invited Speakers
José Armando Valente
Department of Multimeios and Nied, Unicamp & Ced, PucSP
Art Institute, 13083-773 Campinas, SP Brazil
Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1983 UnitedStates.
Dissertation: Creating a Computer-Based Learning Environment for Physically Handicapped Children.
Coordinator of NIED - Núcleo de Informática Aplicada a` Educaça~o, of Universidade Estadual de Campinas and visitant professor of the Post Graduate Programme in Education: Curriculum of Pontifícia Universidade Católica of Sa~o Paulo. Main topics of research focused on development of computer based learning environments, development of training methodologies using computers applied to school and companies both on class and at distance, and research of computer potential as an educational tool.
Ivan Kala DhD

Ivan Kala is an associate professor at Comenius
University, Bratislava. He is a member of the steering committee of the
national Slovak InfoAge project, which has already integrated all 3200 schools
in Slovakia. Ivan is a head of the Department of Informatics Education, which
is responsible for pre-service education of future teachers. He is author or
co-author of several books and textbooks. Ivan represents Slovakia in IFIP TC3
Committee for education. In 2000, he worked as visiting researcher at the
Institute of Education in London. He has read several invited lectures in UK,
Brazil, USA, Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark and Portugal.
Ivan is a co-author of SuperLogo: Learning by
Developing, which was published by Logotron, UK in 1998 and has been translated
to two other languages. He is also a co-author of educational software
environments, which are being used in more than 20 countries. These educational
tools aim at developing creativity, logical and algorithmic thinking,
communication and co-operation. Together with Andrej Blaho and Peter Tomcsanyi
they developed SuperLogo and in 2001, together with Lubo Salanci they released
Imagine, new generation of computer environment for learning.
Márta Turcsányi-Szabó PhD

Head of TeaM Lab, associate professor, Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Informatics, Informatics Methodology Group, Budapest.
Special involvement within university:
ˇ Launched a kindergarten project in 1984: developing KIDLOGO, an environment facilitating the creation of drawing, music, animation, and text as a whole for kindergarten children and children with various disabilities.
ˇ Established TeaM (Teaching with Multimedia) Lab in 1997 within the department for research, developing, evaluating and popularising multimedia educational environments. Organising activities and projects with the involvement of undergraduate and PhD students as listed below:
ˇ Localisation of Comenius Logo, that has been financed by the Hungarian Ministry of Education and published by Kossuth Publishing 1997.
ˇ Organising Eurologo97, editing the proceedings and preparing the Web version of presentations.
ˇ Developing Comenius Logo Web pages.
ˇ Research and Development in the EC financed INCO-Copernicus MATCh 960106 project, which aimed at developing a multimedia authoring tool and three applications for children (1997-1999).
ˇ In the EC Educational Multimedia Project MM1020 project NETlogo developing a Web based Logo Teacher Training Course (1999).
ˇ Responsible for teaching subjects: Application systems, Desktop Publishing, Evaluation of educational programs, Informatics in elementary school, The Logo programming language, Designing educational microworlds, Designing multimedia materials
Fluent in Hungarian and English, can also manage Arabic, French, Japanese, and Russian.
Gary Stager
The University of Melbourne Dept. of Science and Mathematics Education 21825 Barbara St. Torrance, CA 90503 USA.
Pepperdine University Graduate School of Education and Psychology 21825 Barbara St. Torrance, CA 90503 USA.
ˇ Laptops in Education Pioneer
ˇ Associate - Thornburg Center for Professional Development
ˇ Editor-in-Chief - Logo Exchange Journal
ˇ Editor-At-Large - Curriculum Administrator
ˇ Adjunct Professor - Pepperdine University
ˇ Member - The International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences
ˇ Director - Fablevision, Inc.
ˇ Founding Partner -
ˇ SIIA Codies Judge
ˇ Corporate, School & Government Consultant
ˇ Software Designer
ˇ Outstanding Educator Award -1998 New Jersey Educational Computing Cooperative
Gary Stager, an internationally recognized educator and consultant, has spent twenty years helping teachers make sense of their roles in the age of personal computing and schools more constructive places for children.
Gary's hundreds of hands-on workshops and conference presentations are known for being thoughtful, practical, and entertaining. He has spoken at dozens of prominent conferences in North America, South America, England, France, Dennmark, Mexico, Bermuda, Switzerland, New Zealand and Australia where he has twice keynoted the Australian Computers in Education Conference and several state conferences.
He chaired seven NJ Educational Computing Conferences and the 1993 International Logo Conference in Australia. Mr. Stager is one of only a handful of educators to present papers at the 1990,1995 & 2001 World Conference on Computers in Education.